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What is Shintaido?


While Shintaido is grounded in traditional Japanese martial arts (budo), it does not aim to defeat or overpower an opponent, and its practice is entirely non-competitive.

Instead, the ultimate objective can be expressed in a Japanese phrase ten-chi–hitto-bitto-ware-ittai – unification with heaven, earth, self and other people. It aspires to instil into its practitioners a sensitivity to energy, a love of peace and an awareness of the natural world.

Shintaido reveals and expresses the unique beauty in each of us, and allows us to share that beauty. Its practice can be expressive and also listening, dynamic and also tender, grand and also intimate. It gives expression to both our masculine and feminine sides, and helps us learn from each person we encounter.

Founder Hiroyuki Aoki wanted to discover a way of moving and being that would help practitioners ‘to make this age better’. Shintaido practitioners across the world share this ambition, and seek to realise it both in their Shintaido practice and in the rest of their lives.



If you wish to experience Shintaido for yourself your first option is to find a local class. Find one in your area or visit a class in another area.
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A collection of links to European and worldwide Shintaido organisations, along with other related sites, articles and information.
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British Shintaido runs many events which are open to anybody to attend and suitable for those seeking an introduction to Shintaido.
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