
Bojustu One Day Workshop

24th September 2023
10am – 3pm (two keiko, morning and early afternoon)
Elstree School, Woolhampton, near Reading

Beginners welcome.

Workshop Details

Join Charles Burns for an exploration of movement using the Shintaido long staff (quarterstaff).

We will focus on learning to move with your staff using simple sequences, partner work and soft movement. The aim is to make the staff feel like a natural extension of our bodies.

Participants will leave with a coherent program for further self study and an insight into the wonderful world of Shintaido Bo movement.

Instruction: Charles Burns
Event Manager: Kim Chan

To register for the event please fill in the form below.


Workshop fee: £70
BS members’ discount: -£10
BS members pay: £60

Registration closes 23rd September 2023 (the day before the event).

Concessions available – please ask.

Workshop Registration Form

    Your Name *

    Your Email *


    Message for the organisers

    I will pay the event fee by:

    NB1: BACS preferred unless you are based overseas, in which case please use Paypal

    NB2: Please quote the reference BS workshop (or similar) if possible

    How to Pay

    Please send your fee to British Shintaido by BACS to:

    • Sort code: 30-96-96
    • Account no: 04577865
    • Reference: BS Workshop

    Or via Paypal to (for overseas visitors).

    Any questions? Contact Charles Burns at


    What is Shintaido?

    While Shintaido is grounded in traditional Japanese martial arts, it does not aim to defeat or overpower an opponent, and its practice is entirely non-competitive.
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    Shintaido has generated many cherished memories, contained in articles, photographs and newsletters, which members and ex-members are invited to share.
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    A collection of links to European and worldwide Shintaido organisations, along with other related sites, articles and information.
    Find out more >