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New Space, New Poetry: kangeiko 2023

Our kangeiko in 2023 took place from Friday 6th to Monday 9th January at a new venue in Shropshire.

It was a well attended event with the focus on community and coming together in a new environment. This longer-than-usual event gave us all the opportunity to bond as a group.

Keiko centred around the Shoden and Diamond 8 kenjutsu kata, as well as tenshinken.

After the event Geoff Warr sent in this series of poems, hand-written on paper, which he invited us all to share and comment on in their handwritten form. In this spirt I have simply scanned them and present them here in untranscribed form.

Please comment below!

A Timely Top Up


Not Playing for Time


For Crying Out Loud


Some Sum





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