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Contact British Shintaido

To make an enquiry please write to us at British Shintaido, c/o 234 Peppard Rd, Emmer Green, Reading, Berkshire RG4 8ZG, or complete our online form below, selecting who your enquiry is for using the dropdown list. Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    Name *

    Email *


    Who is your message for?

    Message *

    To find out if there is a class near you, please see our Classes page.



    If you wish to experience Shintaido for yourself your first option is to find a local class. Find one in your area or visit a class in another area.
    Find a class >



    British Shintaido runs many events which are open to anybody to attend and suitable for those seeking an introduction to Shintaido.
    Find out more >


    What is Shintaido?

    A selection of testimonials we have received from those that have practised Shintaido, their feelings and what effect it had on them.
    Read more >