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Chippenham/Derry Hill Shintaido

Come and enjoy simple, joyful,  dynamic movement bringing renewed spirit, flexibility and ease.

This is a new class run by  Susan Lacroix. She previously led a class in Stroud and she is also offering a Zoom class every Thursday morning.

Please contact Susan for more details.

Venue The Lansdowne Hall, Petty Lane, Derry Hill, SN11 9QY (View on Google Map)
Time 7pm–8:30pm, Wednesdays
Cost Block of 5 classes: £40.00
Drop in rate: £10.00
Instructor Susan Lacroix
Contact Susan
Brochure View the brochure

What is Shintaido?

What is Shintaido?

Shintaido is an avant garde system of body movement with roots going back to 1960s Japan. It is inclusive with an emphasis on developing a soft, open body.
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A selection of testimonials we have received from those that have practised Shintaido, their feelings and what effect it had on them.
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Recent news, events and articles in the world of British Shintaido, from instructors and members.
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