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Bath Shintaido Classes

Current classes in Bath

Bojutsu and Kenjutsu Classes

We mostly practice bo, jo and boken, but also study open hand Shintaido.

Venue Neston Memorial Hall, Pool Green, Neston, SN13 9SN
Times Most Wednesday evenings, 7.45p.m.—9:15p.m. (Please check)
Cost £8.00 per class
Instructor  Laurent Lacroix
Contact Bath Shintaido
Link Bath Shintaido Poster
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These classes are currently restricted to 6 people as they take place indoors, so please contact us if you want to join the class.

Images of Bath Shintaido

What is Shintaido?

What is Shintaido?

Shintaido is an avant garde system of body movement with roots going back to 1960s Japan. It is inclusive with an emphasis on developing a soft, open body.
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A selection of testimonials we have received from those that have practised Shintaido, their feelings and what effect it had on them.
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Recent news, events and articles in the world of British Shintaido, from instructors and members.
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