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British Shintaido


As Shintaido is based on the martial arts, and may include the use of wooden weapons, those who attend Shintaido classes cannot be 100% free from the risk of injury. Nevertheless, British Shintaido, and all its instructors, are aware of the dangers of injury, and seek to protect all those who practise Shintaido, by:

  • ensuring that teaching is carried out responsibly
  • ensuring that those teaching and studying are covered against damage and injury
  • ensuring that children and vulnerable adults attending classes are safe from abuse.

Shintaido classes regularly involve partner practice which may involve massage or other forms of close physical contact. Instructors take responsibility for ensuring that no inappropriate, uncomfortable or painful contact takes place. Nevertheless, those who do not wish to touch or be touched by others are advised that Shintaido may not be the right path for them.

Shintaido classes may involve stretches or other vigorous movement which may be demanding to some students. In such cases, the student is advised that there is no obligation to continue beyond the point of discomfort. Any student with particular health issues should advise the Instructor in advance about these.

British Shintaido maintains insurance supplied by a martial arts insurer TL Risk Solution. The current certificate of insurance can be downloaded below.

Useful documents

The following resources are available for download in PDF format (each link opens in a new window):


BS College

Our volunteer-run equipment store sells British Shintaido merchandise such as books and DVDs.
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Shintaido has generated many cherished memories, contained in articles, photographs and newsletters, which members and ex-members are invited to share.
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Recent news, events and articles in the world of British Shintaido, from instructors and members.
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