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British Shintaido

Grants and Bursaries

British Shintaido has limited funds available each year to help BS members with various activities relating to their shintaido practice. These main types of funding available are:

  1. Event bursaries: for those wishing to attend BS events
  2. Travel bursaries: for those who need help travelling to a shintaido event, whether a BS or international event
  3. Instructor grants: for instructors who need help setting up a new class

Those wishing to apply for financial aid will need to either submit a short statement to any member of the management team, add a note to an event-application form, or complete the grant application form. Applications are considered by the management team subject to the following conditions.

  1. That BS has available funds remaining to meet the request
  2. That the applicant is a current BS member

Further information about each type of funding below.

Event Bursaries

Bursaries for those wishing to attend a residential BS event. These are awarded as a discount (up to 50%) off the full event fee. Priority is given first to those who have not attended a BS event before, and second to anybody who could not manage to attend the event without financial help. Applicants should apply to join the event before the early-bird deadline, indicating that they would like to apply for a bursary. They should refrain from paying a deposit or any fees until the management team has had a chance to consider their application (usually a week or two after the early-bird deadline). Note that bursary-funded event discounts cannot be combined with the usual early-bird, or BS-member discounts, which are available to all.

Travel Bursaries

Help with travel is available to BS members who face substantial travel costs in getting to a BS event, or to those who wish to travel overseas to attend an event organised by another shintaido organisation. The management team will need to know details about the intended reason for travel. Ideally, applications should be made a month or so before tickets need to be bought, to allow the team time to consider the application. Exceptionally (eg: for large international events) BS may proactively offer travel bursaries to a number of BS members without an application needing to be made.

Instructor Grants

Those wishing to start a class in their area could apply for a British Shintaido Grant. These are available to help with the cost of local publicity and in organising one-off outreach events to attract new students. Note that such grants are not intended to defray of regular running costs of the class (eg: hall hire) but more to help with start-up costs to get the class going. Applicants should submit a detailed proposal with a list of costs and a short description of the type of class they intend to run.

Grant Application Form



If you wish to experience Shintaido for yourself your first option is to find a local class. Find one in your area or visit a class in another area.
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BS College

BS College

British Shintaido College promotes high standards in the teaching of Shintaido and deepens members’ understanding of the curricula and philosophy of Shintaido.
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What is Shintaido?

A selection of testimonials we have received from those that have practised Shintaido, their feelings and what effect it had on them.
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