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British Shintaido


Those wishing start a class in their area, could apply for a British Shintaido Grant. These are available to help with the cost of local publicity and organising an “outreach event”.

British Shintaido can also help with the purchase of a small stock of bo or bokuto for use by new members. If you are interested in applying for a grant please contact any member of the management committee or complete the application form:

    Name *

    Email *

    Please describe your proposed project *

    Supporting document (5Mb max, file types accepted: doc, docx, pdf, odt, rtf)



    If you wish to experience Shintaido for yourself your first option is to find a local class. Find one in your area or visit a class in another area.
    Find a class >

    BS College

    BS College

    British Shintaido College promotes high standards in the teaching of Shintaido and deepens members’ understanding of the curricula and philosophy of Shintaido.
    Find out more >


    What is Shintaido?

    A selection of testimonials we have received from those that have practised Shintaido, their feelings and what effect it had on them.
    Read more >