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British Shintaido

British Shintaido

British Shintaido is the organisation that supports and develops Shintaido practice in Britain. It runs regular workshops and residential events, and examinations for its students.

Beginners’ classes in Shintaido, and the associated disciplines bojutsu, kenjutsu and Shintaido karate, are currently held in a number of towns and cities across southern England. To find out if there is one near you, please see our Classes page.

Instruction is supervised by the British Shintaido College, to which Instructors and Graduates (dan grades) and Assistants (1st kyu level) belong. The College ensures standard forms, supports newly qualified Instructors in learning how to teach and introduces new techniques. It has close links with the European Shintaido College.

British Shintaido has a number of elected officers included a Chair, a Treasurer and a Co-ordinator, and other non-elected roles. The Annual General Meeting of members is held early in each year.



British Shintaido runs many events which are open to anybody to attend and suitable for those seeking an introduction to Shintaido.
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What is Shintaido?

While Shintaido is grounded in traditional Japanese martial arts, it does not aim to defeat or overpower an opponent, and its practice is entirely non-competitive.
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Recent news, events and articles in the world of British Shintaido, from instructors and members.
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